3 Easy Tools for Spotting the ISS
What’s the size of a football field and shines as bright as Jupiter? The International Space Station!
What’s the size of a football field and shines as bright as Jupiter? The International Space Station!
Why Saturn has a hexagonal cloud band at it’s north pole, and when you can start observing the ringed planet yourself.
By now everyone has heard about, and probably actually heard the meteor that impacted Russia the morning of Feb 15th. It might bring to mind a certain Bruce Willis movie, or thoughts of the Tunguska event. Or, for @BadAstronomer, #omgweareallgoingtodie!
You have a DSLR? Start pointing it up! You don’t need to be an expert to get some compelling pictures of the night sky. Here are six reasons to give astrophotoraphy a shot.
Star Walk iPhone App Review
Jupiter and moons. Captured from Seattle during a break in the clouds on Feb 1, 2013 with a Celestron C6 SGT, 2.5x barlow, and Canon T3i. Combination of 1/20th and 1/2 second exposures stacked and combined.
Wrong location or cloudy skies? Catch asteroid 2012 DA14 on the NASA webcast Feb 15 @ 11:AM PST On February 15th, a 50 meter asteroid designated 2012 DA14 will pass by the earth at a distance of about 17,200 miles.
This photo of the moon was captured on Jan 16, 2013 using a Canon T3i and a Celestron C6 telescope. Using the telescope in prime focus effectively just turns the telescope into a 6″ 1500mm lens for the camera. This allowed me to capture the sharp details in the sunny …
At the end of last year, I bought a telescope and started taking pictures through it, some of which I shared via Facebook. It sparked interest from friends, and a few people wanted to know how I got those pictures. I realized that even amateur astrophotography is something people can …